This may not be the most politically correct thing to say, but I believe it’s time we secure our border. I am proud to say that I am a native Texan. I was born in this great state in a time when our country was divided over many political and social landscapes. I was born in Dallas in 1968. This was a era in history when the very term “American” was called into question. We began to change the perception of what, or more importantly who, an American citizen was. Our social climate was forever changed. Certain human rights sanctioned by the founding fathers of this great nation were endowed upon all free men. We changed for the better. We became more accepting, more tolerant and quite simply more civil. Texas was cast into the tumultuous and unpopular center of this political upheaval. The state and it's people were asked to abandon 140 years of tradition and cultural complacency. Texas was called upon to redefine itself as a sovereignty. Then we discovered ourselves adjunct to a national agenda; this merely 100 years after a civil war. Yes, mistakes were made. Yes, intolerance and fear were rampant. One can clearly see the lasting effects even in this new century. Texas, with it's long standing heritage of isolation and independence, was reluctant. No other state suffers as much cultural mystification as Texas. No other state in the Union has pledged it’s allegiance to six different nations. No other state has reigned as a nation unto itself. One would think that a collection of people living under constant flux would welcome defectors of any breed. No single person can claim Texas as their own. They can only lay claim to being born here, such as I do.
Today, there is a certain type of foreigner that presses at our doorstep. There is a stranger just across the border that once again threatens our independence, our hard fought culture and our content way of life. A meager rivers stand between Texas and her cultural integrity, her decency and her pastoral innocence. I am confident that we all know who this threat is. We have all looked beyond our state's borders to see the tide of belligerence, ignorance and moral decay that bears down on us. Make no mistake my fellow Texans. The wolf is on our doorstep and she lies in want. That’s why I am all for building a fence. We need to build a twenty foot high fence and block these vagrants from coming into our beloved homeland and taking menial labor from us. We need to stop their children from over running our schools and corrupting our institutions. They can barely speak English much less understand our laws and public affairs. Desperate times call for desperate measures. This is why I implore our government to build a fence. Build a fence twenty feet high. Build a wall spanning the entire length of the Red River. Help us stop the people of Oklahoma from destroying our beloved state. The land rush is over Oklahoma. Carry your hic bums back across that state line.The eyes of Texas are upon you.
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13 years ago