Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Your Bucket List When Visiting Kermit, TX.

1. Find Kermit Texas on a map.
2. Take a drive down Tommy Thompson Street.
3. Google Tommy Thompson then Google Kermit Texas then go to the bathroom.
4. Take a swat at a Yellow Jacket (Ha!, That's the mascot!) No, really don't hit anyone.
5. Sit outside the Winkler County News Bldg. and count pick up trucks until your eyes bleed.
6.Have 4 people stand in different directions and race to see who finds an empty lot first.
7. Visit the art museum containing the largest collection of Modular Constructivism and Northern European Renaissance artworks in the world.
8. Visit the Kermit International Airport, Nail Salon and Pet Supply Store.
9. Have your picture taken underneath the water tower and then file a stolen picture report at the Sheriff's office.
10. Drive back down Tommy Thompson Street and ask Corrine Mae if she's had that thing under her armed burned off yet.

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